Electronic filing a Divorce in New York
The one thing on people’s minds is how to get back to normal after bouncing back from a global pandemic. After people’s lives have been on hold for the past nine months, we are all finding our new norm. Those looking to file a divorce had no option but to put those plans on hold as courts were shut down due to COVID. After much consideration the courts had substituted filing in court with the county clerk for electronic filing allowing those who wanted to file since the beginning of the pandemic a more convenient option.
What is Electronic filing (e-filing)?
E-filing was designed to create a way for the courts to file documents in an efficient way while reducing the use of paper and cutting back on traffic in court houses. Prior to the opening of E-filing, divorce papers would be filed with the County Clerk’s office. Now filing fees are paid for online while filing the divorce papers.
The Filing Fee:
The cost of filing an uncontested divorce in New York county will cost at least $370.00 in filling fees. This fee does not include the cost of a lawyer, notary fees, mailing etc. The $370.00 includes the Index number which costs $210.00, the note of issue for $125.00, and the stipulation costing $35.00.
The Advantages of E-Filing:
E-filing has a number of advantages, including the reduction of paper use. While many states in America are finding new ways to be economically friendly and sustainable, e-filing has aided tremendously in this goal. Additionally, if there is a filing error the parties that filed online will receive a direct e-mail and directions on how to correct the issue, as opposed to receiving correspondence in the mail and having to go to court.
While using an e-filing system, you avoid running into any issues you normally would at a courthouse. This may include any interaction with a court clerk as they may come off as intimidating and impatient.
With e-filing you have access to your case 24/7. With traditional paper filing to gain access to your documents you would have to travel to the county clerk and also pay an additional fee to receive copies.