USCIS Announces Open Application Period for Citizenship and Integration Grant Program
USCIS Announces Open Application Period for Citizenship and Integration Grant Program
Earlier this month it has been announced that USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) has started two new funding programs. These programs are opportunities for organization to receive grants of up to $10 million to aid is citizenship preparation programs nationwide. Applications are now open for this extremely competitive grant that will be dispersed to organizations to aid the preparation of lawful permanent residents for naturalization. These organization also promote civic integration through increased knowledge of English, U.S. history, and civics.
Through these grant opportunities, USCIS is looking to expand the availability and the quality of citizenship preparation services that are provided to green card holders. By providing these opportunities they hope that it will promote and aid their integration into American society. Increased learning opportunities and additional citizenship instruction resources in communities will help immigrants improve their English language skills, increase their knowledge of U.S. history and government, and gain the tools to become successful citizens and meet their responsibilities as U.S. citizens. Recipients of these grants are to be announced in September of 2021.
According to USCIS the two programs that are under the citizenship and integration Grant program are:
- Citizenship Instruction and Naturalization Application Services: This opportunity will fund public or nonprofit organizations that offer both citizenship instruction and naturalization application services to lawful permanent residents. USCIS expects to award 33 organizations up to $250,000 each for two years through this opportunity. Applications are due by July 16, 2021.
- Refugee and Asylee Integration Services Program: This grant opportunity will provide extended integration services with a focus on individualized programming to former refugees and asylees to attain the skills and knowledge required for successful citizenship. It will also provide other services that foster a sense of belonging and attachment to the United States. The program has expanded eligibility to include lawful permanent residents who were admitted or entered the United States as Cuban or Haitian entrants or individuals admitted on a Special Immigrant Visa. USCIS expects to award six public or nonprofit organizations with experience in serving refugees up to $300,000 each for a period of two years through this opportunity. Applicants must design an integration support program that provides a suite of services to program beneficiaries to promote long-term civic integration and citizenship. Applications are due by July 16, 2021.